Thursday, 13 June 2013

Visit from Tommy Kapai Wilson

Today, iin assembly we were spoiled with the excellent story writer, Tommy Kapai Wilson, visiting us, inspiring us with his talk about spreading smiles and happiness, and giving away some of his books. He has had a widely varied career and lived in all corners of the world, working as a butler for George Harrison, John Denver, His Royal Highness The Agha Khan, and the King and Queen of Nepal. Since beginning his writing, it has now seen 32 publications in South Africa, Australia, China and New Zealand. Some of his titles include Kapai the Kiwi, Cuzzies, The Day I Met a Princess, Prince Thabo, Captain RedSox, The Um Tribe, Catseye Magazine and a weekly column in the local BOP Times for the past 4 years. The book that the four blessed students in our class were awarded is called 'T is For Tauranga' . They are pictured with their books open to their favourite page.


  1. wow it was a great time loved it and love your blog!!!!

  2. The kids seemed to really enjoy his talk. What an awesome book and love the pic too.

  3. well done to all the people that got a book from Tommy

  4. How many of your class got a book's Miss Thorne?

  5. you guys are lucky to get books from him.

  6. isabella samantha sister2 September 2013 at 23:35

    well done kids
