Today we examined a mullet and trevally fish. This involved dissecting a trevally - cutting it into pieces with the eye well prodded, intestines thoroughly explored, gills yanked open and mouth peered down....a fish truly appreciated. We also used them for fish printing with a variety of paint printing patterns emerging. The excitement and fascination on the children's part in seeing a real-life dead fish made it all worth it! The video below gives a window into our time of discovery.
WOW - Well done Miss Thorne, what a cool lesson!! Lucy Goodchap
ReplyDeleteRuby was very impressed that you could gut a fish!
DeleteWhat an awesome learning experience for you all Room 11! I wonder where the fish came from? I thought they just come from the fish and chip shop!! You might need to come and explain this to me. I loved seeing all your art today too.. an awesome discovery activity. From Mrs Brown
ReplyDeleteI never knew Miss Thorne could gut a fish!
ReplyDeleteAll the fish were so beautiful.
ReplyDeleteIt was very cool that we could see the body parts inside the fish!
ReplyDeleteI liked Miss Thorne cutting the guts out the fish and I liked poking the squishy stomach.
ReplyDeleteit was yakky,
ReplyDeleteit was funny.
ReplyDeleteGosh Room 11, what a great experience! I was going to have fish and chips for dinner tonight but I don't think I can anymore! Maybe I should do some super printing with the fish like you shared in assembly today!
ReplyDeleteI like it!
ReplyDeleteRoom 11 you have done a magnifecenet job espisally Miss Thorne.
ReplyDeleteit was osim from zac
ReplyDeleteKian told us all about the dissection!The rest of the family really enjoy seeing what Kian gets up to in class. The kids looked like they enjoyed the whole experience too.
ReplyDeletethat was interesting room 11.You should eat fish they are yummy!!!
ReplyDeleteI was awesome lesson Mrs Thorne excellent.