Today Miss Thorne brought some fish into Room 11. They are a mullet and a trevally. We painted it. We even got to gut it. Ewww yuck! By Oskah
Today Miss Thorne brought some fish into Room 11. One fish was called a mullet. Miss Thorne gutted a slimy fish. Kian touched the slimy gills. The scales were slippery and slimy. After, we painted the fish. My fish was a rainbow fish. At the end they all looked amazing. By Kalan
One day there was a trevally and a mullet. They were swimming along and the next day Miss Thorne came fishing and she cut the fishies. They were chomping away at the rod. Suddenly the rod snapped. Miss Thorne dived and got the rod and ehe fish died. She ate the fish up. By Ryan
Once there was a mullet. It was bloody and slimy. One of the fins were spiny. The fish was scaly and slimy. I got to touch the slimy fish guts. The guts were all yucky. My favourite part was when Miss Thorne cut open the stomach. By Kian
More awesome descriptive stories, well done Room 11.
ReplyDeletegreat discriptive writing