Friday, 7 June 2013

Latest Selection of Short Stories

Once on a hot summery time there was a surfer named Daisy that was sneaky and sleepy. Then the next day she dreamed about lollipops. Next, she woke up. Then she went to the shops. At last she got 100 lollipops. The next day she got chicken pox on her whole body. Then she was screaming like a little girl. By Daisy

Once upon a time there was a surfer called Sam and Sam was a dreamer. He loved dreaming. One day he dreamed about the biggest wave ever and also he wished about lollipops. When he woke up in a terrible fright to see the biggest wave ever in the entire world, he got up and started to surf on his amazing surfboard. By Mandy

Once upon a time There was a swimmer. She was in a race. When she got in the pool she realised that the pool was like an iceberg. The horn blew. She started to swim, but she was cheating in the crystal clear water! By Izzy

One day a boy bought a scrumptious salad. He couldn’t wait to eat it. Nine minutes later it was gone! By Luca

One dark stormy night there was a fire man. Once the the fireman woke up in the middle of the night. He pounced out of the bed. He looked out of the window. There was a cross country race. THe fireman raced outside and he got ready. Boom! The horn went. He was in the lead. He was half way there. The brave fireman won the race. He won $100,000. 
By Kalan

One freezing stormy day with sunlight day a prince was sailing. “There are coconuts,” he said. Finally food we can eat. “Quick,” sail the ship over there. “Emmm, they look like evil pirates.” “Quick get your sword. We need to win this battle.” By Oskah


  1. Max H - Room 89 June 2013 at 17:04

    Nice work Izzy. That was a very interesting recount of your supermarket visit.

  2. A great short story Kalan. I like how you have used different words to start each sentence and the adjectives you have used to add more detail to your story. From Mum

  3. I loved your story Kalan I loved it loved it loved it. I never new Firemen did a cross country that was very awesome when he won $100,000.

  4. Nice story Kalan it is very interesting. I like it!
