Below is a video featuring our visit to the Bake Shack, but also includes other bread related experiments and activities that we carried out. We have all really enjoyed our learning. We hope you will enjoy our video.
Friday, 28 June 2013
Thursday, 13 June 2013
Visit from Tommy Kapai Wilson
Today, iin assembly we were spoiled with the excellent story writer, Tommy Kapai Wilson, visiting us, inspiring us with his talk about spreading smiles and happiness, and giving away some of his books. He has had a widely varied career and lived in all corners of the world, working as a butler for George Harrison, John Denver, His Royal Highness The Agha Khan, and the King and Queen of Nepal. Since beginning his writing, it has now seen 32 publications in South Africa, Australia, China and New Zealand. Some of his titles include Kapai the Kiwi, Cuzzies, The Day I Met a Princess, Prince Thabo, Captain RedSox, The Um Tribe, Catseye Magazine and a weekly column in the local BOP Times for the past 4 years. The book that the four blessed students in our class were awarded is called 'T is For Tauranga' . They are pictured with their books open to their favourite page.
School Tour!
What is a principal’s or deputy principal’s job?
Before our tour:
Ruby - Does lots of paper work.
Sophia - Tells people what to do. Comes over to teachers’ classrooms.
Izzy - Makes notices for the school
Arneeka - Looks after the school.
Oskah - Makes sure nobody gets hurt.
Shaye - Takes care of people.
Kalan - Takes care of people if they are sick in the sick bay.
Ruby - Mrs. Hawes sure does do lots of paper work!
Zaid - She makes LOTS of chance cards.
Oskah - She looks after lots of people. I didn’t know Mrs. Hawes had an assistant to do everything for her.
Arneeka - Mrs. Hawes is always looking after people, telling people what to do and being the boss.
Savana - I like Mrs. Hawes so much because she does everything and she looks pretty.
Charlie - My favourite thing was seeing Mrs. Hawes.
Samantha - I felt sad not to see Mrs. McNicol.
Ruby - Mrs. Brown’s class does lots and lots of work.
Zac - They have different types of fancy opening up desks.
Kalan - Some things are different because their homework books are red and ours are blue.
Kian - They were using rulers to measure things.
Kalan - My favourite thing was visiting my mom in her class.
Mandy - I liked the games in Mrs. Aims’ class.
Sophia - I didn’t know Mrs. Aims had another teacher.
Luca - My favourite thing was going to our buddy class and seeing Mrs. Aims.
Wednesday, 12 June 2013
June 13th Narratives
Here are a selection of short stories from Room 11. We have been learning about setting the scene for the beginning, creating a problem for the middle and solving the problem for the ending.
Here are our exciting narratives, which were inspired by our story spinners. The key words were toy, ancient times, mountains, courageous and lost.

One ancient time there was a courageous toy, who went up a high mountain. The bear woke up and the toy ran away. Another toy came and helped him. They got married and they lived happily ever after. By Sophia and Stella
One day at an icy mountain in the ancient times, there was a toy that was a cowboy. The cowboy was one-eyed. He was on a steaming volcano. Then it blasted. So, he jumped off the volcano. The cowboy broke his leg. The cowboy said, “Help me, help me.” A little boy came by and helped him. He took him to the hospital. A week later the cowboy was alright.
By Kalan and Oskah
One day a clumsy toy was walking up a very hot hill, because it was a volcano and it was going to erupt. Boom it was so loud when it erupted. the toy lost his leg when it erupted. He searched and searched. Then he found a doctor and made a leg. Then he built a new leg and put it on. It was the shiniest leg ever. By Ruby and Samantha

One hot summer’s day a toy lived on top of a volcano. A grizzly bear was creeping behind him. The volcano started to rumble and the lava was pouring down. She ran into the forest. She realised that she was lost. She had a walk around and she found a home made out of flowers. She was very happy. By Izzy
One day at an icy mountain in the ancient times, there was a toy that was a cowboy. The cowboy was one-eyed. He found a gigantic volcano that rumbled and grumbled. The volcano blasted up. Then he flew up and boom. He blew up. He was never seen again. The end. By Kian
Tuesday, 11 June 2013
Bake Shack
A couple of weeks ago, the kind staff of the Bake Shack took our class for a tour of their bakery factory. Room 11 was fascinated and thoroughly enjoyed it! They talked about it in class for many days afterward. Here are just a few photos from the experience for now. Sorry about the images being side on. Later a video will be up about our experience, which we are sharing in week 8 at our whole school assembly.
Friday, 7 June 2013
Countdown Visit Recounts
Countdown Visit
On a really rainy day, me and my class drove to Countdown. We went in the dark terrifying freezing chiller. We even found out the country from the lavel of the food. The orange was from Mexico and the banana was from Ecuador. David showed us heaps of things. I was very happy. My favourite thing was tasting the crunchy crust off the bread. It was super duper yummy. I loved it!!! I also liked the luncheon, too, but the crust was very very new (fresh). By Izzy
Today we went to Countdown. When we got there we went in the freezing cold chiller. It was dark and scary. We went to the bakery. We got to hold dough. The dough was squishy. I loved eating the bread. By Kian
Today we went to Countdown. When we got there we went in the freezing cold chiller. it was scary. We tasted some tino pai bread. By Oskah.
Latest Selection of Short Stories
Once on a hot summery time there was a surfer named Daisy that was sneaky and sleepy. Then the next day she dreamed about lollipops. Next, she woke up. Then she went to the shops. At last she got 100 lollipops. The next day she got chicken pox on her whole body. Then she was screaming like a little girl. By Daisy
Once upon a time there was a surfer called Sam and Sam was a dreamer. He loved dreaming. One day he dreamed about the biggest wave ever and also he wished about lollipops. When he woke up in a terrible fright to see the biggest wave ever in the entire world, he got up and started to surf on his amazing surfboard. By Mandy
Once upon a time There was a swimmer. She was in a race. When she got in the pool she realised that the pool was like an iceberg. The horn blew. She started to swim, but she was cheating in the crystal clear water! By Izzy
One day a boy bought a scrumptious salad. He couldn’t wait to eat it. Nine minutes later it was gone! By Luca
One dark stormy night there was a fire man. Once the the fireman woke up in the middle of the night. He pounced out of the bed. He looked out of the window. There was a cross country race. THe fireman raced outside and he got ready. Boom! The horn went. He was in the lead. He was half way there. The brave fireman won the race. He won $100,000.
By Kalan
One freezing stormy day with sunlight day a prince was sailing. “There are coconuts,” he said. Finally food we can eat. “Quick,” sail the ship over there. “Emmm, they look like evil pirates.” “Quick get your sword. We need to win this battle.” By Oskah
Our Fish Stories/Recounts!
Today Miss Thorne brought some fish into Room 11. They are a mullet and a trevally. We painted it. We even got to gut it. Ewww yuck! By Oskah
Today Miss Thorne brought some fish into Room 11. One fish was called a mullet. Miss Thorne gutted a slimy fish. Kian touched the slimy gills. The scales were slippery and slimy. After, we painted the fish. My fish was a rainbow fish. At the end they all looked amazing. By Kalan
One day there was a trevally and a mullet. They were swimming along and the next day Miss Thorne came fishing and she cut the fishies. They were chomping away at the rod. Suddenly the rod snapped. Miss Thorne dived and got the rod and ehe fish died. She ate the fish up. By Ryan
Once there was a mullet. It was bloody and slimy. One of the fins were spiny. The fish was scaly and slimy. I got to touch the slimy fish guts. The guts were all yucky. My favourite part was when Miss Thorne cut open the stomach. By Kian
Wednesday, 5 June 2013
Fish Dissecting and Printing Lesson
Today we examined a mullet and trevally fish. This involved dissecting a trevally - cutting it into pieces with the eye well prodded, intestines thoroughly explored, gills yanked open and mouth peered down....a fish truly appreciated. We also used them for fish printing with a variety of paint printing patterns emerging. The excitement and fascination on the children's part in seeing a real-life dead fish made it all worth it! The video below gives a window into our time of discovery.
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