Thursday, 25 April 2013

Descriptive Writing Inspired by Story Spinners

Some of the words generated to incorporate - lazy, animal, train driver, night.

One day in the night, there was a monkey. It was a lazy one. He ate a lot of food. His job was a train driver. The first day he fell asleep and nearly smashed someone over. Then he jumped out of the train and said, "Are you alright? Do you want to hop on the train?" Then they zoomed away around the world. 
By Oskah and Kalan

One night a monkey was driving a train. It was a lazy monkey. He helped a friend. He fell asleep and ended at the wrong place. Then he woke up and he drove back. 
By Ruby

Once there was a lazy lion. He sat around all day. In the night the lion went on a lazy animal train. He was going to Burger King. It was getting dark. Suddenly, the train stopped at the lazy animal's house. He helped the other animal be lazy, too. Then after that he went to Burger King. He ate chips and a burger, too. The end. 
By Kian


  1. Great story Kian. Did the monkey enjoy the Burger King? From Kalan

  2. Yes he did from Kian

  3. teotene-Room 810 June 2013 at 17:09

    funny monkey kian
