Sunday, 4 August 2013

Term 2 - Sushi Making

In term 2, we were very spoilt to have Nikki (Sophia's mum) come in and teach us how to make sushi. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed it, even Mrs. Northey, who happened to be visiting us - good timing! It was a really delicious and healthy meal to learn how to make and to eat. Thanks so much, Nikki.


  1. had s sushi it was yummy!

  2. Yum yum yummy, yummy in my tummy! That looks like very good sushi room 11. by Mandy

  3. To room 11 from Isy. I won a competition, it was a damper making competition, I made a cockatoo. My prize was a book. My new school is called Halls Head Primary school, we have just had science week which was lots of fun, we got to do lots of different experiments and there were different things happening every lunchtime. I am going to Perth Zoo this week on a school trip. It is going to be extremely great. I have really liked looking at all your blog pictures. room 11 from Is.

  4. isabella samanthas sister2 September 2013 at 23:27

    is it yum

  5. Isy, how lovely to hear from you. We often think of you. So, nice to hear that you are getting up to lots of exciting things at school. We have been doing some science experiments with our buddy class, too. What experiments have you been doing? Your lunchtimes sounds interesting. What types of things happen during lunchbreak? Has your class got a blog where we can check out pictures of you on it? What fun you will have at your zoo trip. We would love to see photos from it and hear about it. Maybe you can email us sometime. Hope you are keeping well. From, Miss Thorne
