Monday, 4 February 2013

Class Newsletter - 04/02/13

Dear Parents /Caregivers,

Welcome back to school for 2013.

I have met some of you already and look forward to talking to you all in more depth about our classroom programme at the Setting the Scene meeting on Wednesday 13thFebruary at 5.30, starting in our school hall. This is a meeting about what’s happening at school, followed by an outline of routines and programmes in individual classes.

Our library day is Friday and we will be swimming everyday.   

By mid-next week, children will start bringing home reading books and homework will start fully in about week 3.

In the meantime, please check out our new class blog As well as having lots of useful learning sites, it will give you an insight into what is happening at school.

I will generally be available in the classroom before and after school for a chat. So, please feel free to call in. Alternatively, please e-mail me at -

Star Time/Discovery Time:
In the first block (8.50-10.00), from Monday-Wednesday, we will be running an activity-based programme with a wide range of activities across many different learning areas.

We would appreciate any materials the children can use for creating things. Boxes, tubes, plastic tops, small pieces of fabric, beads, ribbon, buttons etc…

If you have any particular skill or interest that you could share with the children we would love to hear from you. For example last year a parent came in for a couple of sessions to teach the children how to make soap.


Miss Thorne

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